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Face Covering Policy

Approved by: Dr. George Pimentel, President

Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish requirements for faculty, staff, students and other persons (including visitors, guests, contractors, etc.) present on campus at Jackson State Community College (JSCC) to wear a Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommended face coverings in classrooms and other indoor areas, as well as outdoor areas where a physical distance of 6 feet cannot be maintained between persons.

Policy Statement

  1. Applicability and Scope

    In accordance with guidance issued by the CDC, it is the policy of JSCC to require faculty, staff, students and other persons to wear face coverings while present on campus in classrooms and other indoor areas, as well as outdoor areas where physical distance between persons cannot be maintained.
  2. Responsibilities
  3. Faculty, staff, students and other persons (including visitors, guests, contractors, etc.) will furnish their own face covering and wear the face covering properly, covering their full mouth and nose.
  4. Face coverings shall be worn on campus while:
    1. Inside all campus buildings and facilities
    2. Outside when physical distancing between persons cannot be maintained
  5. Face coverings are not required on campus while:
    1. Alone in one’s own private office
    2. Alone in one’s own private vehicle
    3. Eating or drinking
      1. To the extent possible, a physical distance of 6 feet between persons should be maintained while eating or drinking.
    4. In outdoor areas where physical distance between persons can be maintained
    5. If a student is completing JSCC course requirements in organizations external to JSCC (schools, hospitals, clinics, organizations), the student will follow the safety guidelines and protocols in place at those organizations except to the extent those guidelines or protocols are less restrictive than JSCC.

III. Exemptions

  1. Students who are unable to wear a face covering due to a medical or other condition should contact the Disability Resource Center, by telephone at 731-424-3520 ext 50354 or by email at to request an accommodation. 
  2. Faculty and staff who are unable to wear a face covering due to a medical or other condition should contact the Human Resources Office, by telephone at 731-425-2643 or by email at to request an accommodation. 
  3. Classroom activities that cannot be completed while wearing a face covering may be exempt at the discretion of the faculty member.  To the extent possible, a physical distance of 6 feet between persons should be maintained while participating in classroom activities exempt from wearing face coverings.
  4. The College may evaluate and consider other exemptions on a case-by-case basis as additional information about COVID-19 becomes available. 
  5. In accordance with the CDC, children under age 2, or anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance should not wear a face covering.

IV. References

  1. CDC Guidance