Strategic Planning and Effectiveness Council

Type: Standing Committee

Authority: Advisory to President


  1. Advisory to the Executive Council
  2. Overseeing the five year strategic planning cycle
  3. Developing the annual college-wide goals and
    objectives that support the five-year planning
  4. Providing support to reaffirmation and accreditation
  5. Coordination of all institution-wide planning and
    evaluation processes that result in continuing improvements
    in institutional quality
  6. Making recommendations to the college's strategic
    planning, budgetary, process and institutional research
    (aligning planning +budget+IR)


  • Meets quarterly during the academic year, or as needed.Each member may also serve on a sub-committee as needed.Coordination of all college-wide effectiveness efforts including: promotion of the effectiveness philosophy and processes, participation in/assistance with delivery of related employee training, coordination of all divisional and departmental activities for institutional planning, evaluation, reporting, and continuous improvement planning to ensure that the college-wide plan is fully supported.
  • Remain informed and provide any support requested by the SACS Co-Chairs and Leadership Team for the college’s efforts toward reaffirmation in 2015.
  • Make recommendations on the following: all changes, additions, and/or deletions to the JSCC Effectiveness Plan; any process changes.
  • Distribute an agenda prior to each meeting (Information Research Analyst).
  • Keep minutes of all meetings (Information Research Analyst) Minutes will include members present/absent, guests, discussion topics, action taken, etc.
  • Keep an archive of all meeting minutes (Information Research Analyst).
  • Take other action as requested by the President.

*Updates to the JSCC Efficiency Plan are available in the IE Channel.