Institutional Review Board

Type: Standing Committee

Research Application


The main purpose of the JSCC IRB is to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects used in research. 

Policy: All research involving human subjects conducted at or sponsored by Jackson State Community College (JSCC) must be approved by the Office of Institutional Research and Accountability.  All research involving human subjects conducted at or sponsored by JSCC will adhere to Federal, Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR), and JSCC policy and guidelines (See TBR Policy 2:08:00:00). 

Anyone conducting research or responsible for research involving human subjects must adhere to JSCC Institutional Review Board (IRB) policy.  The JSCC IRB will make a recommendation for approval or disapproval to the College’s President.  The President will make the final decision regarding research.

The IRB requires all researchers to provide proof of training on conducting research involving human subjects.  This training may be done at another educational institution.  Researchers may also use the National Institute of Health training which is found on the IRB’s website.  All researchers training must be renewed annually.

Anyone conducting research or responsible for research involving human subjects must adhere to the three (3) principles set forth in the Belmont Report, Respect for Persons, Beneficence, and Justice.

IRB Membership

The membership should consist of at least five diverse members, with one being from a scientific background, one nonscientific, and one member that is not associated with the college.  This person cannot be a student or a member of any school board or be of immediate relation to any person associated with the college.  The other members must be from various areas of the institution and have the professional capacity to review IRB request and make decision based on internal, state, federal and agency policies.

The IRB will meet on an Ad Hoc basis.  The IRB will not have regularly scheduled meeting times.  At least five (5) members must be present for each vote.  After the IRB comes to a decision, a recommendation will be made to the College’s President who will make the final decision regarding research done at JSCC.  Once the IRB has received an application for research, a decision will be made, and the Principal Investigator will be notified within ten (10) business days.