
Type: Standing Committee
Authority: Act in an advisory and regulatory capacity to the JSCC intercollegiate athletic program.


  • Meet during fall in-service to elect officers and establish meeting schedule. Send the results of the election and the meeting schedule to the President and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  • Meet a minimum of two times each academic year beyond the meeting during in-service week. Spring or early summer are most appropriate.
  • Distribute an agenda prior to each meeting.
  • Keep minutes of all meetings, including members present and absent, visitors, resolution of old business, new business, and actions taken and submit them, along with an annual report, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs at the end of each academic year. These are archived in the library at the end of the following academic year.
  • Act in an advisory and regulatory capacity to the JSCC intercollegiate athletic program.
  • Act as a liaison among the faculty, administration, and athletic program to be evaluated by the committee as follows:
  • The athletic department will maintain individual records of each athlete’s progress as evaluated by their instructors. Each semester each coach will distribute copies of the evaluation form to athletes’ instructors. The instructor is to complete the form and return it to the athletic department where it will be maintained in the athlete’s files.
  • Review the athletic budget, scholarships, game schedules, and policies to insure compliance with TJCCAA and NJCAA rules.
  • Bi-annually, or as needed, evaluate the JSCC athletic program to ensure the education of athletes is in keeping with the educational purposes of the institution.
  • Submit recommendations concerning improvement of the athletic program in a report of the committee to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  • Each member communicates decisions and actions taken to their constituency in an appropriate, timely manner.

Athletic Committee Structure

  • One representative from BUS/CIS/IT or Allied Health (Alternate Even years)
  • One representative from Nursing (Odd year)
  • One representative from Communication and Humanities (Even year)
  • One representative from Math & Natural Sciences or Social and Behavioral Sciences (Alternate Odd years)
  • One representative from Classified staff (Even year)
  • One representative from Pro / Tech staff (Odd year)
  • One representative from Financial and Administrative Affairs (Even year)
  • One representative from Student Services (Odd year)
  • One student representative (Optional) (Annually)
  • Permanent nonvoting member – Athletic Director